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International celebrities, including former President Barack Obama, gathered in a lush Italian resort to create new ways to lecture the rest of us about saving Mother Earth. In typical hypocritical fashion of this “Do As I Say, Not As I Do” gang, they took private jets and massive yachts to an event about climate change.
The creators of Google organized this event in Sicily and invited the upper echelon of elites such as Prince Harry, Katy Perry, and Leonardo DiCaprio. Google is footing the bill, which is expected to be around $20 million. Attendees paid for their own travel expenses, but the tech giant is picking up the tab for accommodations.
Last edited by Stop The Madness (8/01/2019 7:46 am)
Arrogant sociopaths, all.
George carlin
beside them self the only people these nuts want left is the few they would need to build there jets and cars.
Well the rest of us would be dust under there feet...
Don't you just love these nuts???
They ask people to cut back, but they will not.
New Plan: Burn up all the fossil fuels as quickly as possible by using private jets and yachts as much as possible. That is the key. Once it is all gone, people will have to change to alternatives. Call it "Humanitarian Over-indulgence to Save the Planet."
Where do I sign up?
President Trump has been called every name in the book by these people, yet he has led a remarkably blameless life as businessman and now a public servant. He compares favorably to the jet-setting globalist elites.
Hi Ogami.
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