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The Hegelian dialectic is a tactic well known to leftist politicians....It's part of their playbook. Technically, it's a tactic of formulating a literary plot, in terms of "thesis, antithesis, and synthesis".....In more direct English terms that means, Problem, Reaction, Solution.....
It turns out that this plot pattern that makes for good literature, also doubles as a tried and true political tactic to further a political agenda.
First, you CREATE a PROBLEM (thesis) to produce the desired REACTION (antithesis)....so that you can propose the SOLUTION (synthesis) that furthers your political agenda.....
The global warming hoax is an excellent example of this tactic. A problem is created. ie....The Earth will end in 12 years if we don't do something about this climate change.....It produces the desired reaction of people voting Democrats into office to solve their problems by raising taxes, The Solution is....Al Gore will bless you and make things better if you just send him money....
Now, the hidden political agenda is that Democrats have another excuse to raise taxes to fund their global government via the World Bank....
It's an example of the Hegelian dialectic tactic to implement a hidden political agenda....
By the same token, if you're a leftist and your end objective is gun banning, you're going to need to create a problem that produces the public reaction you want....You create a mass shooting event which produces calls for banning firearms in the public.....You step forward to provide the solution.....which goes directly towards your agenda of banning guns...And we see how effective mass shootings have been towards that objective, even with a Republican president....and Republican controlled Senate....They ALL played right into it....
So why would leftists ever stop using a strategy like this that simply works so well? The point is, they're not going to stop.....And every time you show them that it works, they're going to have more of it....So expect more mass shootings....
Given the historical precedence of Democrats and leftists using this tactic over and over and over again....like they use the race card to the point of producing nausea, it's REASONABLE to suspect that they are probably behind many of these staged shootings. You've been trained by the perps to have a knee jerk reaction that all theories that don't fit the official fake news narratives are wrong...You've bought into the mental conditioning and demonization of "conspiracy theorists"...But this was done to you by the ones who are attempting to hide their agenda....You've fallen for the old Jedi mind trick...
The truth however is that this is not even a theory at this point....It's a REASONABLE suspicion or hypothesis with sound historical context and precedence.....
Doc.Levy wrote:
The barrel end of shooters [Patrick C] replica rifle had an orange safety tip in original still photos from CCTV. Subsequent pictures were photoshopped. Maybe the accused believed he was acting in a drill? Several witnesses stated they saw multiple shooters.
BTW, the fake manifesto was originally posted on Instagram, not 8chan pol board. Nobody I know saw it on the infinity Chan boards [there are/were at least 2 dozen separate boards] until the El Paso clown show hit msm news. The qrb 8chan board was never listed on 8chan index. Originally the way guests found it was via invite. That changed early this year. I think at least a few peeps suspect the Dim FFs are meant to end free speech and research boards. The antisemitic & disgusting gore posts were traceable to shill farms.
Notice that nobody’s talking about billions of federal funds which the people of Baltimore MD never received? But the truth about that and other dirty deeds will come out soon.
I believe this shooting was all too real, however the identity of the shooter and the 'manifesto' were as fake as a 4 dollar bill.
And yes, there were at least 3 or 4 shooters but just like all other shootings, we are to pretend we never heard the initial news reports and focus on the lone gunman because thinking only one man did all that exacerbated the fear of guns.
Cydoniaquest wrote:
So let's go with your own line of reasoning here, Ogami.
You saw that Democrats used Russia collusion as a political agenda against Trump.....regardless as to whether it was true or not...
We can therefore, conclude that this is how Democrats operate. Ends justify the means. They will do anything, make any lie, no matter how imoral or who it hurts or destroys, to achieve a political agenda. That's a modus operandi....
But the question here is.....Who was actually guilty of Russian collusion? We know for a fact that Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation and the Obama regime were involved in Russia collusion. So, we see another M.O. of Democrats and leftists accusing their opponents of their own crimes that Democrats commit.....If there are Democrat pedophiles and rapists, that's what they accuse their opponents of...
We see this tactic used over and over again....
In other words, not only do they exploit everything they can for a political agenda......no matter whether it is based in truth or not.....They will also CREATE the events to blame on their opponents for them to exploit....This is also a historical fact and M.O....
So for you to rule out Democrats or leftists as the CAUSE of these events, as opposed to just the exploiters of these events, is not a reasonable assumption that you can make yet, based upon the historical precedent. Very often, we find they are indeed the cause of the chaos they exploit.....The Hegelian dialectic.
Democrats have never accused Donald Trump or Republicans of creating false flag crisis actor events (we'll skip Rosie O'Donnell's skepticism over 9/11). They stick to what they know, calling us racists and sexists, etc.
Those "stories" have come from Alex Jones and Russian media troll farms posing as concerned online citizens. The latter has been rather sloppy about this, too, where zerohedge cited TASS and Syrian news for their sources on one such propaganda front.
Russia calls investigation into whether US moon landings happened
Russia is suspicious over missing scientific evidence
Rick Noack
Thursday 18 June 2015 07:42
UK Independent
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