Since the election of Bill Clinton in 1992, 1,350,000,000 people have died, worldwide. Lock them up!
I found a photo of AhahaAha:
A relief. Posted the after picture. Looking like Brad Pitt before was a burden.
A-Ha A-HaHa A-HaHaHa wrote:
Since the election of Bill Clinton in 1992, 1,350,000,000 people have died, worldwide. Lock them up!
And 59 of Bill and Hillary's associates have committed suicide. How many of your associates and friends committed suicide. I know of only 4 of mine. Does anyone have anything CLOSE to 59 friends who committed suicide?
Maybe they just have really really bad body odor.
Last edited by A-Ha A-HaHa A-HaHaHa (8/31/2019 3:03 pm)
I am pleased to report that I have no friends who've committed suicide.
The Clintons are foul in many ways. From the beginning of their careers the pair served the economic interests of China. There are photos of them visiting China before Bill became governor.
I haven’t figured out Trump. Some suspicious activities he’s allowed to occur under his watch make me wonder if he’s being run by Israel. But my mind is still open about Trump. By the end of this year, or beginning of 2020, people should be able to see if President Trump is 100% for U.S.
Ever notice that Google has a program called Adreno and a platform named Chrome? Where is Eric Schmidt, friend of Hillary, these days?
A-Ha A-HaHa A-HaHaHa wrote:
He was president and governor. She was senator and secretary of state. You? Maybe they were ambitious enough to to know 59 people who would commit suicide and you were not?
You have known 4? They have known 15 times that? Is it possible they run in higher stress circles than you do? Is it possible that with the positions they have held, they have had dealings with 15 times more people than you have? Can you really compare people who have headed dozens of campaign, government, and non-government organizations, to Joe the Plumber?
Or maybe they just have really really bad body odor.
Clintons had a hired, hit man. Larry Nichols. He is on video telling his story. Do I have to post it?
Last edited by LegalAmerican (8/27/2019 10:26 am)
Hitman. How sexist! Hitperson, Hittist, Hitologist, Hitophile. Get on board with the new open-mindedness!
Last edited by LegalAmerican (8/27/2019 10:28 am)
If it's on YouTube it must be true.
mathew31 wrote:
If it's on YouTube it must be true.
He did the smart thing. He spoke out before they eliminated him. Smart man.
A-Ha A-HaHa A-HaHaHa wrote:
Hitman. How sexist! Hitperson, Hittist, Hitologist, Hitophile. Get on board with the new open-mindedness!
HitMAN is correct. I am 69. I am too old for the bullshit newspeak.
Also those words are on youtube. Hitman. Every normal person knows what that means.
Doc Levy. Good information.
I've heard tale that Al Gore is an adrenochrome addict.
Will Tarn-X put a nice shine on Adrenochrome?