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8/23/2022 3:19 pm  #1

I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

I found out how to select a lot of topics at once, so I cleared it all out.


8/23/2022 3:50 pm  #2

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

Hi Muna! I'm back (sorta).....I'm in and out....

of conscciousness

I should say.....LOL

You'll have to show me how you did that...I've only figured how to do it one at a time!


8/23/2022 3:57 pm  #3

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

Cydoniaquest wrote:

Hi Muna! I'm back (sorta).....I'm in and out....

of conscciousness

I should say.....LOL

You'll have to show me how you did that...I've only figured how to do it one at a time!

When you're looking at the list of all the threads, there is a button at the top-right of the list that says "New Topic."  JUST ABOVE THAT, there's some hard-to-see writing that says, "Moderate Forum."  When you click that, a lot of check boxes will appear next to all the forums, and you can select what you want to do with the checked ones--kind of like in Tapatalk.


Last edited by Muna (8/23/2022 3:59 pm)

     Thread Starter

8/23/2022 3:58 pm  #4

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

Hey check out some of these strange posts! Like this one from post #6 at the link..

Does that strike you as being code? Maybe some type of AI language? The English words don't make sense, but I've heard of drug and human traffickers using abandoned message boards to communicate, only they use encryptic messages....

It was like they did with Pizza gate, where all these innocuous sounding words, that would normally describe something like off a Pizza menu but were really terms used for child trafficking..

I think, for that reason, it's a very good idea to keep the SPAM off, because we really have no idea what these strange messages could be saying....Could be drug traffickers, terrorist operations human and child traffickers....or worse..........Democrat politicians..



8/23/2022 4:00 pm  #5

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

Muna wrote:

Cydoniaquest wrote:

Hi Muna! I'm back (sorta).....I'm in and out....

of conscciousness

I should say.....LOL

You'll have to show me how you did that...I've only figured how to do it one at a time!

When you're looking at the list of all the threads, there is a button at the top-right of the list that says "New Topic."  JUST ABOVE THAT, there's some hard-to-see writing that says, "Moderate Form."  When you click that, a lot of check boxes will appear next to all the forums, and you can select what you want to do with the checked ones--kind of like in Tapatalk.


Wow, thankyou for that, Muna! That was pretty clever of you to find that!


8/23/2022 4:02 pm  #6

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

Cydoniaquest wrote:

Hey check out some of these strange posts! Like this one from post #6 at the link..

Does that strike you as being code? Maybe some type of AI language? The English words don't make sense, but I've heard of drug and human traffickers using abandoned message boards to communicate, only they use encryptic messages....

It was like they did with Pizza gate, where all these innocuous sounding words, that would normally describe something like off a Pizza menu but were really terms used for child trafficking..

I think, for that reason, it's a very good idea to keep the SPAM off, because we really have no idea what these strange messages could be saying....Could be drug traffickers, terrorist operations human and child traffickers....or worse..........Democrat politicians..


I agree--that's a good idea.  Either we can edit those posts or, if there's a way to delete single posts without deleting the thread, we can do that.


     Thread Starter

8/23/2022 4:05 pm  #7

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

Cy, as soon as the regular board reappears, we need to make a quick post that tells everybody about this back-up board, just in case the regular board goes out again.

     Thread Starter

8/23/2022 4:06 pm  #8

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

Oh yeah, you can delete single posts as well....I just wanted you to see that one though for how strange it is....Another thing that does this is A.I. bots.....There was an interesting experiment where AI bots could talk to each other and eventually develop their own unique language using readily available words....


8/23/2022 4:07 pm  #9

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

Cydoniaquest wrote:

Wow, thankyou for that, Muna! That was pretty clever of you to find that!

I learned all my "cleverness" from a Yoda.  (Ha!)

     Thread Starter

8/23/2022 4:11 pm  #10

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

Cydoniaquest wrote:

Oh yeah, you can delete single posts as well....I just wanted you to see that one though for how strange it is....Another thing that does this is A.I. bots.....There was an interesting experiment where AI bots could talk to each other and eventually develop their own unique language using readily available words....

You're probably right about those being bots.  There might be all kinds of weird reasons why someone would have the bots go to a board and say weird, seemingly-coded sentences like that.


     Thread Starter

8/23/2022 4:11 pm  #11

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

Muna wrote:

Cydoniaquest wrote:

Wow, thankyou for that, Muna! That was pretty clever of you to find that!

I learned all my "cleverness" from a Yoda.  (Ha!)

Check this out....See if it doesn't give you the creeps a little bit....This was 5 years ago.....A.I. bots left alone will start to develop their own language....Notice the similiarity to what's been going on here....When you have a hundred messages all asking where the Admin is....that's more comparable to bot behavior than human...



8/23/2022 4:23 pm  #12

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

1,178 registered users! How is that even possible?


8/23/2022 4:25 pm  #13

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

Cydoniaquest wrote:

Muna wrote:

Cydoniaquest wrote:

Wow, thankyou for that, Muna! That was pretty clever of you to find that!

I learned all my "cleverness" from a Yoda.  (Ha!)

Check this out....See if it doesn't give you the creeps a little bit....This was 5 years ago.....A.I. bots left alone will start to develop their own language....Notice the similiarity to what's been going on here....When you have a hundred messages all asking where the Admin is....that's more comparable to bot behavior than human...


Cy, that's REALLY scary stuff!  That dialog between those robots looked kind of like the stuff that was in those posts you showed me!

Cy, in science-fiction, there's something called (I think) "The Three Laws of Robotics."  They are programmed into all robots and they cannot be revoked . . .

1.  You cannot harm a human.
2.  You must follow orders from humans unless they conflict with #1
3.  You must protect yourself unless it conflicts with #2 or #1.

If they put those laws into these new robots, I might feel less afraid (that word "might" is important).

     Thread Starter

8/23/2022 4:27 pm  #14

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

Cydoniaquest wrote:

1,178 registered users! How is that even possible?

I saw that, too.  It must have been all those robotic spammers.  They might have even registered more accounts than they actually used.


Last edited by Muna (8/23/2022 4:28 pm)

     Thread Starter

8/23/2022 6:05 pm  #15

Re: I Was Able to Remove the SPAM

I don't see where  to do a topic.  And might as well.  Just remove all the old STRANGE posts on here. 


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