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It needs work obviously, but I just did a quick test and added the background.....I think we might be able to customize things here so it looks familiar...
this is going to be super simple, and a very nice board! See, now you can get some of those really important posts and bring them over here, Cyd. Not only that, but try and get the paid tier, that's what I think I'll do as well if I do use mine. This will be a good fit, Cyd, I think it will for sure!
Well, I was just testing things out a little the very least, it can be used as a temp board if we lose the other....I'm wondering if it can be designed so that the background remains fixed and just the boxes scroll....I used to be able to do that on Yuku. Good to see you as the first member, Vicky!!!
Only you can make it better.
Vicky, one thing I have discovered is that I do have the ability to put in all those custom codes I had with Yuku....Now, if only I can find where I saved them...
The Dowie wrote:
Good morning.
Good morning Dowie.....Groucho misses you.
oldarmybear wrote:
Looks good.
Thanks Bear....Not as good as yours!
welcome to BOARDHOST
sue keeper wrote:
welcome to BOARDHOST
Thanks Sue!
Morning Cy. Good luck trading today.
Thanks Joe! Good morning!
Hello everybody!
Finally figured out registration. Forgot to check a box. Crap!
Hello? Hello? Anyone here? How did I get here? Is this where I can donate to the Bernie Sanders campaign???
Nice to see the double-D's here, btw.
Welcome back Dowie, Dumas.
mathew31 wrote:
Nice to see the double-D's here, btw.
Oh those guys....I thought for a minute that LA had checked in.
Last edited by hodagg (6/28/2019 7:27 am)
This may be another Gulag. Yoda has already deleted some of my posts but perhaps I deserved it.
OK, I'll behave.
Dumas wrote:
This may be another Gulag. Yoda has already deleted some of my posts but perhaps I deserved it.
OK, I'll behave.
I can't start a board with you trashing it as the very first post, telling me how it will fail.....You do understand that, I hope.
hodagg wrote:
Hello? Hello? Anyone here? How did I get here? Is this where I can donate to the Bernie Sanders campaign???
Ok, that made me get out the cross and holy water......
sgttag wrote:
Finally figured out registration. Forgot to check a box. Crap!
I did the exact same thing...I forgot to give them my birthday so it said I was born yesterday and they said I wasn't qualified.....