Think about it.
Turn on the TV and all you see in the national news is calls for gun control and how white people are the only ones with race hatred and something has to be done about it.
And remember, a lie can travel around the world before the truth even has a chance to get up and put it's shoes on.
Decades ago as a teenager, I remember my mother saying that the greatest threat our country will ever face win come from within, not from outside of our borders.
At the time, I thought that was crazy.
Not anymore.
Last edited by hawaiigar (8/06/2019 2:50 am)
hawaiigar wrote:
Think about it.
I did
You are talking bollocks
Dowie the Nazi slave still has his head buried in has Nazi slave masters a$$ so he can't hear or see the truth.
I agree with Mark Levin, in fact, I've been saying it for years, long before I heard him say it, is that the single greatest threat to America is the leftist movement as depicted by the Democrat party, Antifa,.....and the pink hat enemy within...
Second greatest threat is China.....
But nothing destroys like the enemy within.....We almost bought the farm with Hillary stealing the election.....missed total annihilation by THAT much....
The issue is how Democrats seek to twist national tragedies to push their political agendas, in this case, gun control.
That has absolutely nothing to do with pushing conspiracy theories that the shootings were faked or had actors. Why is it so important for Hawaiigar to believe a shooting isn't a shooting? I don't get this.
Ogami wrote:
The issue is how Democrats seek to twist national tragedies to push their political agendas, in this case, gun control.
That has absolutely nothing to do with pushing conspiracy theories that the shootings were faked or had actors. Why is it so important for Hawaiigar to believe a shooting isn't a shooting? I don't get this.
You've got to get off this "conspiracy theory" obsession, Ogami......It's come to the point where you've convinced yourself not to engage in basic deductive reasoning for fear of being labeled a "conspiracy theorist.....That fear is a conditioning given to you by people who do not want you questioning the official narrative, when ALL official narratives SHOULD be the FIRST thing you question....You've been mind controlled....
Cydoniaquest wrote:
You've got to get off this "conspiracy theory" obsession, Ogami.....
Last edited by The Dowie (8/07/2019 4:10 pm)
America is and has been under attack for some time...but the attacks are from within. Factions appear to war against each other but the real danger is that our citizens have been suckered into fighting each other. And the interests at top, behind the scenes, profit from our poking out each other’s eyes.
Journalist Michael Hastings was murdered to stop his reporting on the deep state’s propaganda activities directed at the American public. By pursuing his project to inform Americans, Hastings became worse than a threat. As an enemy combatant he could be killed.
I am not a leftist. Nor a right winger. Information is where it is. ;) Look up whistleblower Lt. Col Daniel Davis.
The US government has unbound the legal regulations against using propaganda against foreign audiences and American citizens. The intention is to sway public opinion by using television, radio, newspapers, and social media targeting the American and foreign people in controlled psy-ops.
The newest version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has an amendment added that negates the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 (SMA) and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987.
These laws made propaganda used to influence foreigners and US citizens illegal. Without these laws, disinformation could run rampant throughout our information junkets.
This amendment added to the NDAA has passed into implementation as of this month.
SMA defines the prohibition of domestic access to influence information through a variety of means, from broadcast to publishing of books, media, and online sources by restricting the State Department.
The Broadcasting Board of Governors was created from SMA. This agency claims to “inform, engage, and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy”. They omit that their specialty is making sure propaganda is added to the informational flow we all depend on.
The amendment sanctions the US government, without restriction, the use of any mode of message to control how we perceive our world.
As of now, the level of propaganda in the mainstream media (MSM) is quite high, with all of our television, printed media and internet sites associated with MSM owned by only 5 corporations.
Without these laws, the lies purveyed as truth to foreigners would find their way to our doorsteps as a purposeful operation enacted by our government. And in the name of national security, the US government could, and probably would, disseminate misinformation to gain public support for otherwise decidedly deplorable actions.
Amendment 114 of the NDAA was approved by the House in May of 2012.
The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (2012) reads:
Sec. 501. (a) The Secretary and the Broadcasting Board of Governors are authorized to use funds appropriated or otherwise made available for public diplomacy information programs to provide for the preparation, dissemination, and use of information intended for foreign audiences abroad about the United States, its people, and its policies, through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, the Internet, and other information media, including social media, and through information centers, instructors, and other direct or indirect means of communication.
(b)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Secretary and the Broadcasting Board of Governors may, upon request and reimbursement of the reasonable costs incurred in fulfilling such a request, make available, in the United States, motion pictures, films, video, audio, and other materials prepared for dissemination abroad or disseminated abroad.
According to Michael Hastings: “The new law would give sweeping powers to the State Department and Pentagon to push television, radio, newspaper, and social media onto the U.S. public. “It removes the protection for Americans,” says a Pentagon official who is concerned about the law. “It removes oversight from the people who want to put out this information. There are no checks and balances. No one knows if the information is accurate, partially accurate, or entirely false.”
Representatives Mac Thornberry (R-TX) and Adam Smith (D-WA) in the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (2012) (H.R. 5736), advocate that it is time to liberate the authority of the US government to broadcast American produced foreign propaganda in the U.S.
The amendment, which was hidden within the NDAA, has remained relatively unnoticed. However, it empowers the State Department and Pentagon to utilize all forms of media against the American public for the sake of coercing US citizens to believe whatever version of the truth the US government wants them to believe.
All oversight is removed by Amendment 114. Regardless of whether the information disseminated is truthful, partially truthful or completely false bears no weight.
Thornberry believes that with the use of the internet by terrorist groups like al-Qaeda, the federal government needs to have the freedom to circulate their own propaganda to combat terrorism effectively.
“I just don’t want to see something this significant – whatever the pros and cons – go through without anyone noticing,” says one source on the Hill, who is disturbed by the law. According to this source, the law would allow “U.S. propaganda intended to influence foreign audiences to be used on the domestic population.”
Four billion dollars per year is spent by the Pentagon on propaganda aimed at the American public; as well as $202 million spent by the Department of Defense on misinformation operations in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2011.
Currently, the Pentagon is using “ sock puppet ” (fake handles) on social media sites to purvey false information, harass users and enact psy-ops to influence Americans.
A California corporation is working with the US Central Command (CENTCOM) in spreading propaganda overseas. They provide “online persona management service” that allows active duty military to set up an estimated 10 different false identities that are used worldwide.
Each fake persona comes complete with a background history and safeties to prevent “sophisticated adversaries” from discovering the lie.
CENTCOM spokesman Commander Bill Speaks said: “The technology supports classified blogging activities on foreign-language websites to enable CENTCOM to counter violent extremist and enemy propaganda outside the US.”
Sophisticated software allows the military to engage in online conversations with coordinated answers, blog comments and instant messaging remarks that are solely meant to spread pro-American propaganda.
US Army whistleblower, Lieutenant Col. Daniel Davis believes there is a definitive aspiration within the US government “to enable Public Affairs officers to influence American public opinion when they deem it necessary to “protect a key friendly center of gravity, to wit US national will.”
Edward Bernays would be proud.
Last edited by Doc.Levy (8/07/2019 4:39 pm)
I am not registered and don’t post on Twitter, Facebook or the other social media/info collection sites. But occasionally I’ve checked out the Twitter feeds of persons who post good info.
This guy, Joe M. @calmbeforethestorm ,
Ogami wrote:
The issue is how Democrats seek to twist national tragedies to push their political agendas, in this case, gun control.
That has absolutely nothing to do with pushing conspiracy theories that the shootings were faked or had actors. Why is it so important for Hawaiigar to believe a shooting isn't a shooting? I don't get this.
That's a lie.
I never said these recent shootings were fake.
Not in the post you are responding to or anywhere else.
I do think they are being done by the deep state, nameless, faceless, non-elected people who orchestrate the left's narrative, and they will keep doing them until the media convinces the public to give up their guns.
Ogami wrote:
The issue is how Democrats seek to twist national tragedies to push their political agendas, in this case, gun control.
That has absolutely nothing to do with pushing conspiracy theories that the shootings were faked or had actors. Why is it so important for Hawaiigar to believe a shooting isn't a shooting? I don't get this.
Gar said NOTHING about any of that Ogami? Gar said nothing of the kind.....Why accuse others of things they obviously are not saying? Why not just respond to things they actually are saying....It's a very bizarre tactic.
I guess Doc.Levy confirming what I complain about doesn't matter.
Hawaiigar's starting post on this thread sounds like paranoia to me. Democrats have been trying to take away our guns since before Hawaiigar was born, so don't give me this "not anymore" crap.
Telling us that we're overwhelmed by a hopeless conspiracy of ultimate dark power is not productive. I don't buy that we are the continual victims of fake narratives. The media's narrative has backfired on every mass shooting that they tried to pin on President Donald Trump. The narrative fails, and has failed.
Vote to keep Democrats out of power. It's that simple.
If you are worried about the effectiveness of the media narrative, there is hope:
Doc.Levy wrote:
I am not registered and don’t post on Twitter, Facebook or the other social media/info collection sites. But occasionally I’ve checked out the Twitter feeds of persons who post good info.
This guy, Joe M. @calmbeforethestorm ,
Welcome DOC LEVY1.
... ag-rumors/
=16.25pxSo the Dayton shooter is Connor S. Betts and this obituary from 2014 is for a Connor D. Betts.
=16.25pxHere's a picture of who we are told the Dayton shooter is.
=16.25pxConnor S. Betts.
=16.25pxAnd here's the obituary from 2014.
=16.25pxBut the obituary can no longer be found.
=16.25pxI did a search and it was still in the results but I got a message saying the page no longer exists.
THAT was a find by GAR..and I think very compelling! The guy died in 2014.....he is being used as a patsy.
Black-Ops did the shooting. There were 3 or 4 of them.
Everyone who is normal, loves my president. LOOK at all the smiling faces & 'love looks". PRESIDENT TRUMP IS THE BEST. Guns do need to be removed from DEMON-RATS...hANDS. Always the shooters.
Back to president Lincoln's time. DEMON-RAT did the shooting.
Doc.Levy wrote:
I am not registered and don’t post on Twitter, Facebook or the other social media/info collection sites. But occasionally I’ve checked out the Twitter feeds of persons who post good info.
This guy, Joe M. @calmbeforethestorm ,
--------------------------------- ·3h Beto says shootings will only stop when Trump is gone. What about Sandy Hook, San Bernadino, Fort Hood, Columbine, Aurora, Virgina tech...? Stupid. No, shootings will only stop when every one of Beto's [friends] are rounded up and their clown operations sniffed out and shut down.Quote Tweet [color=inherit](link: [/color] )
Cydoniaquest wrote:
Gar said NOTHING about any of that Ogami? Gar said nothing of the kind.....Why accuse others of things they obviously are not saying? Why not just respond to things they actually are saying....It's a very bizarre tactic.
Yes, I was a bit pre-emptive in this, and I apologize for that. But if either of you see "evidence" of either shooting being a mass delusion or an acting group of crisis actors or faked photoshops of bloody crime scenes, you WON'T be posting about that on a moment's notice?
I'm just going on track record here.
Obviously watching the entire American left swing into action to attack our Second Amendment over two mass shootings is not automatically the same as assuming that either shooting was faked to achieve this effect.
I would never conflate the two concepts, but I just wonder if we're going to see more videos like the one LA found. There is a whole industry primed to think everything is a false flag conspiracy, so why should their reaction to this past month be any different? I'd like to be wrong here, but given the track record of the conspiracy industry... soon this will be a massive machiavellian web that makes Spectre from the James Bond franchise look like the girl scouts.
My goal is to post whatever the facts reveal.....whatever the TRUTH may be....which is a confusing concept to people like Biden, but there really is no set formula, other than that....If the truth is that there is indeed a conspiracy here, we should feel free to post it....
There's no conspiracy other than Democrats trying to turn out the vote of their depressed voter base. Get out the vote, just like when Hillary called Trupm voters 'deplorables'
This definitely ties into the anti-gun Democrat agenda with perfect timing. So, think about this as a detective would, attempting to accumulate facts to present a case in court. What we have at this point, is a reasonable suspicion.....enough suspicion that would allow a cop to pull over a car suspected of drunk driving....or drug trafficking...You get the picture....
It's REASONABLE, given the timing of these events and the immediate attempt by Democrats to exploit them for a political agenda, to suspect that Democrats, or factions sympathetic to the Democrat leftist gun ban agenda, might be behind this.....As the CAUSE of the event. You do not yet have enough evidence to rule out cause or make a determination of cause. You made an assumption that may not yet be warranted.
The idea that these events were done to promote a political agenda is also a hypothesis, but again, there is enough reasonable suspicion and historic context to justify the hypothesis....We have strong precedence......Now, we need to acquire facts to support the hypothesis, and eliminate facts that do not fit via the deductive reasoning process. This is the heart of the scientific method.
Last edited by Cydoniaquest (8/09/2019 8:08 am)
America is has been under attack now for about a 100 years by the left.
In the early 1900s they only took small steps now they want all at one time.
One more time?
While the American Left seems to have no morals and no sense of any limit to what illegal crimes they'll commit to retain power (Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, and the rest of Hillary's Deep State operating illegally on behalf of the Democrat party instead of the American people), I think they're confident enough in the tactics outlined in Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. To whit:
* Democrats rely on demonizing their political opponents, using every means possible such as their harassment of Mitch McConnell, outing Republican donor lists as the Castro Brothers despicably done, or just general demonization where they immediately attack President Trump for visiting the victims in the hospital.
* Democrats rely on federal judges ruling our freedoms away, such as when federal judges decided that under President Obama, Planned Parenthood did have an innate "right" to taxpayer funds for abortions. Democrats appoint leftist judges who invent new "rights" on a daily basis, all to further international socialism. They are sometimes rather honest about this intent, see the 2020 election. They're not hiding anything now.
With those two basic facts in mind, Cydoniaquest, it is absurd to assume that everything one sees around you is a crisis actor false flag operation. None of them have been proven as such, and indeed every such wild accusation (Sandy Hook a false flag crisis actor operation! New Zealand mosques a false flag crisis actor operation!) has been proven to be 100% wrong and making those pushing such theories appear wrong 100% of the time.
With that in mind, the rest of us are going to need a fucking mountain of salt to take with any attempt to push El Paso or Dayton as staffed by happy ketchup-soaked crisis actors.
Not happened yet? Give the conspiracy people online a few days or weeks, they'll be churning out one nutty theory after another before long... Bank on it!