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8/07/2019 7:32 am  #1

Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

I think we got an inkling of just how frustrated the Democrats are that Robert Mueller failed to "seal the deal", with their ferocity over these two mass shootings. Every Democrat presidential candidate, their news networks, and their newspapers have been screaming themselves hoarse that "white nationalist Trump" caused these shootings.

Never mind if the El Paso shooter was a committed (though not in an asylum) environmental wacko and anti-business nut. Never mind if the Dayton shooter was an Elizabeth Warren and Antifa admirer (proven and confirmed). No, the shootings have to be Trump's fault.

We all remember the Ballpark shooter who tried very hard to murder Republican Minority Whip Steve Scalise. Not one Republican, Republican media outlet, Republican reporter, or pundit attempted to blame Bernie Sanders for this Bernie Sander's supporter's rampage. Not one. We are not screaming-mad animals, as the Democrats have proven themselves to be this week.

I have never ever regretted voting for Donald Trump. When I see the people arrayed against him this week, fundraising against the cooling bodies that haven't even been buried yet, I wonder why they weren't campaigning and fundraising against Barack Obama during his shootings. Oh that's right, because all Demon-rat leftists are total liars and always will be!

Nothing lower than a leftist/Democrat/labour. The lowest of human slime who ever crawled out of the gutter. Proven every freakin' day!

Dayton shooter Connor Betts may be antifa’s first mass killer

I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump

8/07/2019 9:42 am  #2

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

There is nothing available yet to indicate the motive of this murdering fucker

But given the targets it is almost certain that antifascism was not a contributory motive at all

So both the linked article and your rant are horseshit, at least for now


8/07/2019 10:16 am  #3

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

Dowie, are you telling us you know your horseshit? I have no doubt about that, but the question is your discernment between truth and horseshit.....You have never demonstrated any acquaintance with truth so pardon me if I take your ability to discern between the two with a wee grain of salt.


8/08/2019 4:23 am  #4

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

The Dowie wrote:

There is nothing available yet to indicate the motive of this murdering fucker

Quite right, Dowie. But only if you get your news from NBC News or CBS News. Then you would be horrified to discover that those news networks hide the facts from their viewers, because lying to viewers like you is their only job, 24 hours a day. While ABC News noted in passing that the Dayton shooter is a "leftist", NBC, MS-NBC, and CBS viewers are still having their news censored. Why? Because they have a low opinion of viewers like you, and believe you need to be molded, led, and lied to like sheep to the slaughterhouse.

ABC Admits Ohio Shooter Was a ‘Leftist,’ CBS/NBC Still Covering It Up
By Nicholas Fondacaro | August 6, 2019 9:20 PM EDT

As NewsBusters research analyst Bill D’Agostino exposed Tuesday afternoon, the liberal broadcast networks were doing their best to avoid telling their viewers that the gunman behind the Dayton mass shooting was an admitted ‘leftist.’ But hours later, ABC’s World News Tonight was the first flagship network news program to break that trend when they footnoted that fact.


I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump
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8/08/2019 9:37 am  #5

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

El Paso shooter was the second killer inspired by An Inconvenient Truth


8/08/2019 10:41 am  #6

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

 Unread postThis young man died in 2014.
7:58 PM - Today
#1 =GAR

https://cloverchronicle.com/2019/08/04/ ... ag-rumors/

=16.25pxSo the Dayton shooter is Connor S. Betts and this obituary from 2014 is for a Connor D. Betts.

=16.25pxHere's a picture of who we are told the Dayton shooter is. 
=16.25pxConnor S. Betts.

=16.25pxAnd here's the obituary from 2014.


=16.25pxBut the obituary can no longer be found.

=16.25pxI did a search and it was still in the results but I got a message saying the page no longer exists.


Last edited by LegalAmerican (8/08/2019 10:42 am)


8/08/2019 11:06 am  #7

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

I don't understand this site.  Posts are there...then they aren't.  What button do I need to hit?  This is from DOC LEVY'S link.  I totally believe it is DEEP STATE. ALL MY WOMANLY INSTINCTS, ESP. SAYS YES.       ·3h Beto says shootings will only stop when Trump is gone. What about Sandy Hook, San Bernadino, Fort Hood, Columbine, Aurora, Virgina tech...? Stupid. No, shootings will only stop when every one of Beto's [friends] are rounded up and their clown operations sniffed out and shut down.Quote Tweet    [color=inherit](link: https://dailycaller.com/2019/08/07/beto-el-paso-trump/) [/color]


8/08/2019 7:13 pm  #8

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

LegalAmerican wrote:

I don't understand this site.  Posts are there...then they aren't.  What button do I need to hit?  

The ON switch for your brain might be a good starting point


8/08/2019 9:47 pm  #9

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

Dowie, remember......no personal attacks.....

bad Dowie.


8/09/2019 3:41 am  #10

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

Because LA wouldn't do that 

New board, same old hypocrisy


8/09/2019 4:49 am  #11

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

The Dowie wrote:

Because LA wouldn't do that 

New board, same old hypocrisy

You were just about to tell me how Russia elected Trump......


8/09/2019 5:36 am  #12

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

No, I was about to tell you to lick the back of my ballbag


8/09/2019 6:13 am  #13

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer


8/09/2019 1:34 pm  #14

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

Cydoniaquest wrote:

still want to put Dowie on ignore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dowie it is a lot better when he on ignore.


8/10/2019 5:25 am  #15

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

The Dowie wrote:

No, I was about to tell you to lick the back of my ballbag

Leave your boyfriend out of this Dowie...…...


8/10/2019 8:56 am  #16

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

The Dowie wrote:

No, I was about to tell you to lick the back of my ballbag

Damn dowie...

And you really sucked hard on that Russian Dick'

And you said just wait for the Mueller report....

And look.... It spooged all over your troll pedo loving ass...



8/10/2019 8:58 am  #17

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

Meanwhile back to topic


8/10/2019 12:22 pm  #18

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

groucho marxist wrote:

Meanwhile back to topic

Wow, I like Rep. Steven Smith's retort.

But seriously, people like Elizabeth Warren still don't get why Hillary Clinton lost. It's because she called potential Trump voters "irredeemable" and "deplorables".

Since Democrats don't acknowledge that Hillary Clinton lost on her own merits, they're repeating her precise campaign strategy.

Don't talk about your positive vision for the future. Don't talk about the way you're going to fix classroom sizes, unemployment, and trade deals (by flooding America with illegals, thereby ruining all three). Don't talk about anything but how terrible a person Donald Trump is.

2020 is going to be a real surprise for leftist fools, and no surprise at all for the rest of us. Trump guaranteed 100% to win, and as an added bonus, all those House committeships currently researching Impeachment will return to Republican hands. Democrats took control of the House on a lie, Russian Collusion.They will lose control of the House for doing absolutely nothing for the past two years but screaming "Racist!" and "Russian Collusion!"

If I were the Republicans in the House, I'd declare all committees to be illegal, and not participate in them until election day.

I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump
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8/11/2019 5:11 pm  #19

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

Quite right, TW2. When Trump confronted Trudeau, Trudeau lied to his face and turned around and said the opposite in a press conference. Trump called him on this.

I'm glad to see that they hammered out a new trade deal. Until the Democrats lose the House in 2020, we won't see the USMCA signed into law.

I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump
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8/12/2019 6:16 pm  #20

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

LegalAmerican wrote:

 Unread postThis young man died in 2014.
7:58 PM - Today
#1 =GAR

https://cloverchronicle.com/2019/08/04/ ... ag-rumors/

=16.25pxSo the Dayton shooter is Connor S. Betts and this obituary from 2014 is for a Connor D. Betts.

=16.25pxHere's a picture of who we are told the Dayton shooter is. 
=16.25pxConnor S. Betts.

=16.25pxAnd here's the obituary from 2014.


=16.25pxBut the obituary can no longer be found.

=16.25pxI did a search and it was still in the results but I got a message saying the page no longer exists.


If you have to repost my posts from another board or even here, please don't edit them.

In fact, just don't post them at all.

Here's my entire post.

You left this part out at the end....

"I think the obituary was definitely real.

Don't know if I can say the same about the Connor Betts who they tell us did the shooting.

Maybe those who were really behind the shooting needed to create a profile for the shooter and they used the deceased person's identity?"


Last edited by hawaiigar (8/12/2019 6:18 pm)


8/13/2019 5:34 am  #21

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

TW2 wrote:

The dems are doing everything humanly possible to give all three branches of control to the Republicans. The are being proved wrong everyday that they are on the wrong side of history.. 

People think Trump tweets too much, but I think he's holding the reality of the situation close to his vest. He's not saying what he'd like to, because he doesn't want to correct the Democrats on why they're going to lose.

Democrats lost in 2016 because they spent $500 million dollars on tv and radio ads telling voters what a terrible person Donald Trump was. Hillary didn't talk about the issues, her positive vision for America, any of that. All she did was talk about what a deplorable Trump was. Voters decided to give him a chance, because his opponent could not talk about anything else. Having the news media in the tank for Hillary 24/7 did not help her, either. Voters picked up on CNN and the rest actively campaigning for Hillary Clinton, and gave Trump a protest vote. Surprise, he won.

Now the crowded Democrat primary field repeats that mistake, talking about "Hitler Nazi Trump" 24/7. It's why Trump is not correcting them on it. He wants them to repeat Hillary's 2016 defeat. And they're obliging! hah ha hah hah. Stupid Democrats.

I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump
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8/14/2019 7:19 am  #22

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

It's amazing to watch. They're going to be so surprised, especially when rigged push-polls show Biden 20 points ahead of electopn day...

I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump
     Thread Starter

8/14/2019 9:24 am  #23

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

They'll be cheating, and attempting to steal this election like never before....Leftist Democrats have never been so desperate to retain power that they feel slipping from their evil twisted fingers....They've never been more motivated to cheat, kill, steal, do whatever it takes.....and we're talking about clinical psychopaths here with no moral qualms or compass...

So, as much as Trump and Republicans would win in a landslide....(if this were a fair election).....we can't sit back, fat, dumb and happy feeling like we've got it made.....Democrats will be more motivated to steal this election than they ever have before in our history....They're desperate little demons willing to do whatever it takes, and thus, have never been more dangerous to the survival of our Republic....

The Trump administration and Republicans should take NOTHING for granted, and they should be taking proactive action right now, to prevent Democrat cheating as much as possible...Trump needs to use his executive powers to the fullest towards this end....such as breaking up the social media monopolies....Trump can do that stuff right now.....Getting voter ID passed in all states.....Republicans working with the president, could get that stuff done right now.....Eliminating black box voting machines, and going to simple paper handcount ballots......Getting those borders sealed using the full force of the US military.....preventing undocumented future Democrat voters from crossing the borders...

There's so much that could be done right now....but I'm not seeing enough being done quickly enough, so it's worrying me a little bit that Republicans aren't taking the Democrat threat seriously enough.....

I know Trump is looking at his enormous sell out crowds and thinking his competition doesn't stand a chance......and ordinarily, that would be true IF we had free and fair elections in this country....which we don't. Democrats haven't been able to win elections for a long time now.....THEY STEAL THEM, and they are EXPERTS at stealing elections...

Someone really needs to emphasize to Trump that the problem isn't Democrats winning this election. If they had to win this election honestly, they wouldn't stand a chance.....but that's precisely the issue....They don't plan to win anything honestly...That's not the way they do things...

Their real expertise lies in the DISHONEST way of winning the elections by stealing them...THAT is where they present the REAL threat.....I'm not getting the feeling that Republicans understand this as well as they should....


8/14/2019 9:01 pm  #24

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer



8/15/2019 6:40 am  #25

Re: Dayton Shooter may be Antifa's First Mass Killer

Republicans won the 2016 presidential election with Democrats in charge.

We're going to make darn sure the Dems don't cheat this time, especially with people like the California governor attempting his own version of a Jim Crow law to intimidate Republican voters.


I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump
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