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8/07/2019 4:14 am  #1

Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

It's been a while nutters

So where the fuck are those sealed indictments you have been promising for years now?


8/07/2019 7:31 am  #2

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

Do you mean that QAnon? I've been waiting for that, myself. I think it's all anonymous hot air.


Last edited by Ogami (8/07/2019 7:32 am)

I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump

8/07/2019 9:44 am  #3

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

Several TPH posters have repeatedly referenced tens of thousands of indictments 

Indeed have set multiple dates when these would appear, and all such dates are in the rearview mirro by some distance at this point

I'm just hoping for an update from one of the learned mob

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8/08/2019 4:21 am  #4

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

The Dowie wrote:

It's been a while nutters

So where the fuck are those sealed indictments you have been promising for years now?

Where's your explanation for how Russia elected Trump?

Mueller Report was a little lacking on that detail..

You said it was forthcoming.....


8/08/2019 5:35 am  #5

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

I don't think President Trump ever needed any outside agency or outside group of hacktivists to help him. He's done quite fine on his own and the Mueller report did not end the Trump presidency as various deluded people hoped for.

I repeat that, deluded people hoped that the Mueller report would end the Trump presidency. Instead, any person with a touch of common decency would be relieved, happy, and pleased that there never was any evidence of Russian collusion or Russia stealing the 2016 election on behalf of Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. Of course, those of us who were aware of the general facts were never worried, so those who are angry now over the Mueller Report are simply showing that they were never sincere in getting to the bottom of anything.

The illegal, treasonous activities of Obama/Hillary Clinton officials on behalf of their candidate while serving in the federal government is the only conspiracy that has been uncovered here. And again, no need for QAnon or any other mysterious figures to help out. Trump is winning because his enemies are morons who break the law. And that is quite enough, in my worldview.


I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump

8/09/2019 1:26 pm  #6

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

OK how do I put Dowie on ignore because they add to the post like a "FRCH"


8/10/2019 1:07 am  #7

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

close call 3333 wrote:

OK how do I put Dowie on ignore because they add to the post like a "FRCH"

It's your open-mindedness that I have always admired

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8/10/2019 4:49 am  #8

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

The Dowie wrote:

close call 3333 wrote:

OK how do I put Dowie on ignore because they add to the post like a "FRCH"

It's your open-mindedness that I have always admired

You were just about to tell me how Russia elected Trump.....

Cos Mueller didn't


8/10/2019 5:21 am  #9

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

Yes Dowie, we are waiting for your proof that Russia elected Trump. Mueller report was shown to be a scam.


8/12/2019 4:03 am  #10

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

The Mueller report is not shown to be a scam

Indeed it is quite damning of Donald Trump

But I know that truth is not a valued commodity in the court of your orange king

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8/12/2019 5:14 am  #11

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

The Dowie wrote:

The Mueller report is not shown to be a scam

Indeed it is quite damning of Donald Trump

But I know that truth is not a valued commodity in the court of your orange king

Mueller was shown to be a scam...

What was monkey boy doing during the election process?

Remember when he promised to be more flexible?

Good times


8/12/2019 12:47 pm  #12

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

groucho marxist wrote:

What was monkey boy doing during the election process?

Looking down pitifully at racist filth like you?

     Thread Starter

8/13/2019 5:19 am  #13

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

The Dowie wrote:

The Mueller report is not shown to be a scam

Indeed it is quite damning of Donald Trump

But I know that truth is not a valued commodity in the court of your orange king

Let's go through these, one by one. I'm guessing Dowie gets his news from the BBC, which simply repeats what Reuters or CNN tells them to report...

The Mueller report is not shown to be a scam

Even with a staff of very conflicted Hillary Clinton lawyers, donors, staff, and supporters, Robert Mueller was unable to find impeachable offenses of Trump stealing the election with Russia. Everyone waiting on "white horse hero Mueller" were gravely disappointed. You cannot spin this otherwise. No collusion, no obstruction.

Indeed it is quite damning of Donald Trump

Trump staff (and former staff) were all threatened with prison time if they didn't divulge every scrap of conversation with Candidate/President Trump to the Mueller team. Despite this very wide net, despite this ridiculously-large fishing expedition, there was nothing there other than repeated examples of Trump exclaiming to people "You've fu-ed me on this!". Sorry, but we've got damning examples of Bill Clinton's temper and Barack Obama's temper when speaking in confidence to staff. Not an impeachable offense anywhere in the Mueller report, despite insane wishing to that effect. Your wishes are not reality. Sorry!

But I know that truth is not a valued commodity in the court of your orange king

If you're wanting to damn Trump on facts and hard cold logic, calling him "orange" or "king" is not the most conducive argument to that effect. It's like when leftist scream "Trump's a Nazi who worked with the Russians!". Um, Nazis didn't work with Russia, they tried to wipe Soviet Russia off the map during World War II. The complaint has no logic or sense, whatsoever.

Gloating over the fact that the Mueller Commission found nothing to charge Trump on after two years is nothing to gloat over. I know that cable news sceams 24/7 that Trump is a racist Hitler, there is no such description by Robert Mueller in his report, and there never will be. Please, explain to us why Trump is going to prison/removed from office. Your side lost, get over it.


I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump

8/14/2019 9:17 pm  #14

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

We did not have a D.O.J.  for almost 3 years!   First things first. 


8/16/2019 5:07 am  #15

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

The Dowie wrote:

groucho marxist wrote:

What was monkey boy doing during the election process?

Looking down pitifully at racist filth like you?

Cry racist and run away like a bitch...

It's easier than actual debate...



8/19/2019 9:43 pm  #16

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

groucho marxist wrote:

The Dowie wrote:

groucho marxist wrote:

What was monkey boy doing during the election process?

Looking down pitifully at racist filth like you?

Cry racist and run away like a bitch...

It's easier than actual debate...


Racist is the new (and not so new) code word for liberals, democrats and other gullible people when they are shown to have been defeated in an argument of logic and facts. Dowie just lost AGAIN!!! When they say "racist", they admit defeat.


8/20/2019 3:25 am  #17

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

Groucho is a known filthy racist of many years standing

His posting history is the evidence

Did you miss him calling Obama "Monkey Boy" a few posts back?

Or being deplorable racist scum yourselves did you not recognise it as a racist comment? 

Last edited by The Dowie (8/20/2019 3:25 am)

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8/20/2019 3:48 am  #18

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

Dowie, do you like hamsters?


8/20/2019 10:38 am  #19

Re: Thousands and thousands of sealed indictments

I do like hamsters

Unless they exhibit racist behaviours

Last edited by The Dowie (8/20/2019 10:39 am)

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