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8/20/2019 4:56 am  #1

Paul VS Faul?

Does anyone buy into the fake Paul McCartney conspiracy theory?

Sometimes, I think the rumors of McCartney's death and replacement are all rumors, but then, you see his early photos, and you'd swear his eyes are brown......Almost an opaque dark brown/black even....

And yet, if you see him in recent interviews, you'll see that they aren't brown at all, but more of a grey/blue color....That is weird maaaaaan.....

I always wondered if A Day In The Life wasn't written about McCartney dying in a car accident.....Eerie and sad when you really hear the lyrics..

He blew his mind out in a car, he didn't noticed that the lights had changed.

Referring to the car accident, which happened because he didn't notice that the light had changed.....he blew his mind out, referring to head trauma that killed him.

A crowd of people stood and stared...

They'd seen his face before (he was famous)

Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords.......(or a young rock star in an emerging band)...



8/20/2019 5:08 am  #2

Re: Paul VS Faul?

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8/20/2019 5:12 am  #3

Re: Paul VS Faul?

If you look at the early Paul with brown eyes, he almost had a swarthy Mediterranean look...Darker skin, almost Italian....But in that interview above, he's as pale as a sheet of paper....Almost blending in with his white couch and walls.....Is it the Michael Jackson thing?

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8/20/2019 10:35 am  #4

Re: Paul VS Faul?

Little known fact. Paul McCartney was one of the main songwriters for ABBA after he died.


8/20/2019 11:55 am  #5

Re: Paul VS Faul?

 And yet, if you see him in recent interviews, you'll see that they aren't brown at all, but more of a grey/blue color....That is weird maaaaaan.....

Nothing unusual at all about that.

Eyebrow color does change through life.



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