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8/23/2019 4:09 pm  #1

North Korea launches missile. Xi now Trump's enemy. Chicoms lie.....

Chicoms lie and little evil N. Korean turd blossoms break their word? Who knew?....

This latest rocket launch by Little Kim turd blossom is breaking news, so the article about the most recent N. Korean missile launch didn't have much more than that... But I'm telling you, I don't trust this evil little N. Korean shit....I know Trump thinks he has a good relationship....but they're all playing Trump....

Remember, this is a guy that ordered his own uncle be turned into dogfood...(quite literally)...This is a guy who starves his entire country and keeps the other half in prison torture camps.....And Trump believes he has a father son relationship here. You just don't keep testing like this......

He knows he's playing Trump....experimenting what he can get away with....applying pressure just as he knows Trump is coming into pressures no human being should be able to stand....Some friend.. 

Just saying, Trump better be fully aware that this Satanic little shit will act vewy polite as he drives the knife intoTrump's back.... 

And now, president Xi of China, who Trump declared a good man and friend, just days ago......Well....Trump has just declared that guy an enemy... 

 They think you're gullible Trump...They're playing you.....(I think Trump understands this, but his enemies don't know him well enough yet).....And now Xi is an enemy.....(Xi was ALWAYS an enemy)... 

And now Little Kim  Turd-blossom Jr. is launching missiles, just as China turns up the heat in Hong Kong and upon Taiwan.... 

They keep testing Trump...playing him, thinking he's a sucker......because they don't understand Trump's style. Trump will negotiate with you in good faith. Trump will shake your hand, and his word is his bond. Trump will call you a friend and mean it..... 

And all they had to do was leave it at that...Trump would have  been true to his word, and made a trade deal that worked for all parties... 

But what have we learned here class? You can't trust a little Ornamental Chicom bastard no matter how polite their smile is, and how polite and respectful their demeanor.....And don't get me wrong, I don't mean that as a racial comment so much as a cultural one....

See the thing is, over here in the West, or New York, as the case may be, the universal salute of acknowledgement for your fellow human being is the middle finger....We're not exactly a polite culture over here, especially where Trump hales from....In a way, this makes us more profoundly honest....We'll tell you how we feel about you to your face over here... 

In China, or N. Korea.....a person who hates your guts will bow to you, and smile politely, and you'll think they're the best friend in the world....In the mean time, they could be plotting to murder you in the worst way possible.....I'm just saying, the culture is naturally deceptive.....and I think, on one level, Trump may have bought into the Pomp and Circumstance, and the protocol, and misinterpreted that as friendship or a good relationship....because Trump is used to dealing with people on that level, where even the mafia in New York will keep their word if they give it....

They'll call you a Jew muther fucka to your face, but if they respect you and give you their handshake.....well, they'll keep their word...It's just the culture..Whether they hate you or like you, you'll know it.....That's America.

Americans don't hide their  intentions behind false politeness and displays of respect all that much....They tend to wear their true intentions on their sleeves....If you go around disrespecting wise guys in NYC, Joe Pesci is probably going to stab you in the neck with a pen....


  Anyway.....I'm going on here in a long winded way, but I just mean that the differences in our cultures may have lead to a misunderstanding where the commie Asian bastards may think they are dealing with a rube, or a naive guy who they can push around....Same mistake the Democrats make all the time......

And Trump, being a man of his word, shook their hands and assumed that these guys would keep their word, because they were so polite.... Well lo and behold, we see the Truth come out....China is revealing it's true colors, invading countries left and right.....N. Korea is launching missiles at Japan again......and we're all going to quickly find out the hard way what Trump is capable of......

Remember, Trump hits back. We all know that...We've all seen it over and over again....You shake Trump's hand on a deal, and he's your best friend...He'll give you far more than you ever dreamed of, if you're just nice to the guy and treat him as your friend....But if you try to stab him in the back, thinking you've got one over on an innocent rube,'re about to get a wakeup call the hard way...Trump will reign down holy hell upon you.....and you will not survive....

I have a feeling the two faced Chicom and N. Korean demon bastards are about to learn this lesson the hard way.....Chicom bastard number one, has just been declared what he's always been all along..

.An enemy.....I have a feeling that N. Korean demon spawn number 2 is going to face the same reality.... The problem is, now we're stuck in a hot war here with Trump believing he is God's chosen........

 I don't mind telling you....I'm a little nervous.....I've seen too many movies where this type of plot doesn't end well. And so the escalation continues, as we read further down the Drudge headlines...

Last edited by Cydoniaquest (8/23/2019 4:14 pm)


8/24/2019 2:18 pm  #2

Re: North Korea launches missile. Xi now Trump's enemy. Chicoms lie.....

I have the fullest confidence in Trump's ability to negotiate with North Korea.

Recall that Trump said that all he's done is talk with North Korea. For him, what's the harm in talking to the guy? And he got some hostages released and some Korean War remains returned.

I think we can all tell that the Democrat criticism of Trump is completely mindless when they first claimed Trump was a madman who would start WWIII with his intemperance, then they scream that Trump is a madman for wanting to talk things out with North Korea and not go to war. Which is it, liberals? Whatever they complain about over Trump is just the fits of spoiled brats, not serious commentary or criticism...

I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump

8/27/2019 3:55 am  #3

Re: North Korea launches missile. Xi now Trump's enemy. Chicoms lie.....

I agree with what Trump is doing now, and the reasons he is doing it....I'm just worrying out loud whether it is tactically wise to make himself so vulnerable to his enemies though....It would have been safer to wait until after re-election, but then, I think that's what we all appreciate about Trump....He does what is needed, even if it isn't politically safe or expedient....No other human politician would be this bold...

I think this would put Trump in the category of an Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan even a JFK back when Democrats were sane.......and the terrifying thing is when you look at what all these historically transformative presidents have in find assassination as a looming threat....Thankfully, Trump has unprecedented security as well.

Last edited by Cydoniaquest (8/27/2019 4:30 am)

     Thread Starter

9/06/2019 6:50 pm  #4

Re: North Korea launches missile. Xi now Trump's enemy. Chicoms lie.....

Trump has no fucking idea what he is doing

And he won't listen to anyone who does because he is a self absobed spoilt brat with a personality disorder

Only an idiot could take anything else away from the incessant foreign policy gaffes and misjudgements


9/06/2019 7:45 pm  #5

Re: North Korea launches missile. Xi now Trump's enemy. Chicoms lie.....

Trump's been president for three years, you think someone would give him the benefit of a doubt that he knows what he's doing. No war with North Korea, his critics were screaming like loons that Trump was going to start World War III in North Korea.

Remember all the douche reporters they flew out to Guam? They interviewed the nervous mayor: "What do you think of warmonger Hitler altright dictator Trump about to get your island destroyed off the map"? That was in 2017.

Kim Jong-Un has been firing off a regular series of small, short-range missile tests. Not World War III.

Maybe Kamala Harris will be elected to come in and save all the pearl-clutching knee-knocking weak nellies who shreik in insane fear 24/7 that Trump has been "fooled". Bullshit.

I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump

9/07/2019 2:24 am  #6

Re: North Korea launches missile. Xi now Trump's enemy. Chicoms lie.....

Ogami wrote:

Trump's been president for three years, you think someone would give him the benefit of a doubt that he knows what he's doing. No war with North Korea, his critics were screaming like loons that Trump was going to start World War III in North Korea.

Remember all the douche reporters they flew out to Guam? They interviewed the nervous mayor: "What do you think of warmonger Hitler altright dictator Trump about to get your island destroyed off the map"? That was in 2017.

Kim Jong-Un has been firing off a regular series of small, short-range missile tests. Not World War III.

Maybe Kamala Harris will be elected to come in and save all the pearl-clutching knee-knocking weak nellies who shreik in insane fear 24/7 that Trump has been "fooled". Bullshit.

Multiple rocket tests without so much of an official word from the US. It seems his personal relationship with a dictator has affected the consistency of America's foreign policy. 

You will address me as 'ma lordship'.

9/08/2019 4:01 am  #7

Re: North Korea launches missile. Xi now Trump's enemy. Chicoms lie.....

Ogami wrote:

Trump's been president for three years, you think someone would give him the benefit of a doubt that he knows what he's doing. No war with North Korea, his critics were screaming like loons that Trump was going to start World War III in North Korea.

Remember all the douche reporters they flew out to Guam? They interviewed the nervous mayor: "What do you think of warmonger Hitler altright dictator Trump about to get your island destroyed off the map"? That was in 2017.

Kim Jong-Un has been firing off a regular series of small, short-range missile tests. Not World War III.

Maybe Kamala Harris will be elected to come in and save all the pearl-clutching knee-knocking weak nellies who shreik in insane fear 24/7 that Trump has been "fooled". Bullshit.

So, Trump saved us from a war that he himself threatened but that wasn't going to happen otherwise?  


9/08/2019 10:06 pm  #8

Re: North Korea launches missile. Xi now Trump's enemy. Chicoms lie.....

Glasses broken. Does the headline say "North Korea launched missle at Xi Jinping and hits him in the Trump?"


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