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9/07/2019 1:20 pm  #1

Something to think about...

"Climate change is a bunch of rich people telling poor people how they have to make their lives worse so the rich people's beachfront property doesn't get messed up." -Frank J. Fleming


9/07/2019 3:10 pm  #2

Re: Something to think about...


9/07/2019 3:49 pm  #3

Re: Something to think about...

Video is headed "expert destroys climate change hoax  in three minutes"

Marc Morano IS NOT AN EXPERT at least not in anything remotely connected to climate science


9/07/2019 7:02 pm  #4

Re: Something to think about...

And who is an expert? Al Gore?

CO2 is what plants breathe. It's what gives oxygen. The more CO2 you put into the lower atmosphere, the bigger plants you get and the more O2 you get.....We breath oxygen...(The left would probably try to ban it if you told them it was a green house gas though)....

By far, the best green house gas, responsible for holding heat in the atmosphere is water vapor......Clouds are an example of water vapor....The left would love to ban clouds.

The atmosphere in general really does a poor job of holding heat anyway.....To prove this to yourself, just pick a hot day in July and spend the night on a boat on Lake Tahoe.....I guarantee you, you'll be freezing your ass off by midnight.....Why? Well, because the atmosphere loses it's heat very rapidly when that sun goes away.....One hot summer night in the Sacramento Valley at sea level, and it's down in the high 60s, low 70s.....Try a few days without the sun and you're down to arctic conditions......

The atmosphere doesn't hold in heat all that well.....Loses a huge portion of the heat every night as it radiates back out to space.....If anything, CO2 in the upper atmosphere PREVENTS solar radiation from heating up the lower atmosphere because it reflects most of the incoming solar radiation back out to space. This is what the NASA SABR satellite data showed.

Global warming has always been a hoax. People were starting to catch on, so they started calling it "climate change"......And amazingly enough, that fooled mainly Democrat voters.......


9/08/2019 3:34 am  #5

Re: Something to think about...

your arguments are almost too dumb to bother rebutting.
1) Al Gore is not a climate expert
2) during the Cretaceous period the earth was entirely forested CO2 levels were so high - about 1000ppm that mammalian life would have been impossible WHY did all the plant life not absorb the CO2
3) the climate does an excellent job of insulating the planet yes night time temperature falls not nearly as much if there was no atmosphere.  take away the atmosphere and the Earth's  average DAY Time temperature would be below 0 F.

there Im done feeding the trolls


9/08/2019 2:05 pm  #6

Re: Something to think about...

sue keeper wrote:

your arguments are almost too dumb to bother rebutting.
1) Al Gore is not a climate expert
2) during the Cretaceous period the earth was entirely forested CO2 levels were so high - about 1000ppm that mammalian life would have been impossible WHY did all the plant life not absorb the CO2
3) the climate does an excellent job of insulating the planet yes night time temperature falls not nearly as much if there was no atmosphere.  take away the atmosphere and the Earth's  average DAY Time temperature would be below 0 F.

there Im done feeding the trolls

Your own arguments are very dumb and uninformed Pierce.

1. Your side still advocated giving money to Al-Gore's organization in the form of a carbon tax. This is the most idiotic thing imaginable. As if paying more money to Al-Gore is going to solve the problem....In fact it's so idiotic and insane, it boggles the mind how the average leftist manages to survive a rain storm and not drown like turkeys looking up...I mean, we're talking sub 60s IQ levels here, I would say.

2. If you looked back in the Cretaceous period, everything was giant compared to what it was today...Plant and animal life were giants.....That's what happens when you increase CO2 levels in the atmosphere. You get enormous growth in plant life.....You get MORE plant life. This is just a fact. You seem to be arguing that it is not a fact....Again, you could not be more ignorant and here's a simple way you can understand this....

Google "green house co2 generators"....

You'll get sites selling products like this...

Now what is the purpose of putting CO2 generators into commercial greenhouses? Answer...YOU GET MORE PLANTS....BIGGER PLANTS....HEALTHIER PLANTS...

But does the CO2 just remain in the greenhouse? Is it just a one time use for the CO2 generators? why is that? Why doesn't CO2 remain in the greenhouse, as it does according to the leftist idiotic premise, that CO2 just remains trapped in the lower atmosphere......It doesn't remain in the enclosed greenhouse for the same reason it doesn't remain in the lower atmosphere...


Try to comprehend this idea for a second here, and stop being a moron......Plants use CO2 to grow...It's what they feed off of......Here's a diagram. Study it.

So, when you feed a plant CO2.....the CO2 goes away and is converted to O2.......That's OXYGEN for the leftist morons...It's what we humans breathe and need to live...

CO2 is therefore critical for our very survival on this planet.....It's critical because if plants don't get CO2, they can't live, and we need plants producing O2 via the photosynthesis process so that we may live...

And yet leftist morons want to classify CO2 as a hazardous gas...toxic to life....when it's critical for life on this earth.....Without CO2, we don't have plants making O2...and we stop breathing!!!

When CO2 is added to the environment, plants immediately consume it, creating O2...The more CO2 you add, the more O2 you get....Those PPM gas ratios remain constant in our atmosphere today no matter how much CO2 humans emit...Human CO2 emissions don't even add up to a micro fraction of what natural sources such as volcanoes put out....The very small amount of CO2 that human activity produces is immediately replaced with O2 via the photosynthesis process.....There is no risk of returning to the cretaceous period if that's what you are suggesting....

If you're done, it's because you lost the argument and must leave now in shame....Instead, why not learn from your lost arguments for once instead of running away in denial? Why not reject your stupidity, learn something, evolve and become a conservative?



9/08/2019 9:59 pm  #7

Re: Something to think about...

If CO2 levels get high enough, maybe sparkling water will be the norm and still water will be a luxury.

Maybe instant coca cola will be sold like instant tea or instant coffee. Just add the water.

Taking a bath will have a whole new genital tickling dimension to it.


9/09/2019 1:57 am  #8

Re: Something to think about...

If you looked back in the Cretaceous period, everything was giant compared to what it was today...Plant and animal life were giants.

GREAT, super, wonderful!
Giant plants but too much CO2 for mammals to survive - (being a mammal I have a sort of interest in the atmosphere being breathable - I know, selfish!

When CO2 is added to the environment, plants immediately consume it, creating O2

Not just plants but giant plants and the CO2 was still at 1000ppm why didnt the giant plants use it all up?

Last edited by sue keeper (9/09/2019 2:00 am)


9/09/2019 2:31 am  #9

Re: Something to think about...

GREAT, super, wonderful!
Giant plants but too much CO2 for mammals to survive - (being a mammal I have a sort of interest in the atmosphere being breathable - I know, selfish!

LOL! This is one of the most hilarious things I've read in awhile.....A unique argument too....You actually seem to be arguing that you fear that mankind will return to the Cretaceous period and bring the dinos who will then proceed to invade New York City and Tokyo and eat us all.....You've been watching too many Godzilla/Jurassic Park movies.....I think you should focus on bigger fears like Ebola being brought to a neighborhood near you due to leftist policies on immigration....

Not just plants but giant plants and the CO2 was still at 1000ppm why didnt the giant plants use it all up?

Uh....they did....They kinda went extinct....The atmosphere that they could survive in was burned up a long time ago...They could not survive in our atmosphere, which is why we see creatures that look like us, and not Tyrannosaurus Rex....

Michelle Obama might be an exception in terms of resembling one of the great apes, but I digress.

Now I gave you a link to a company that produces CO2 generators for commercial greenhouses....Just read what their own studies showed...

CO2 Generator 
Carbon dioxide is one of the essential ingredients in green plant growth, and is a primary environmental factor in greenhouses. CO2 enrichment at 2, 3 or 4 times natural concentration will cause plants to grow faster and improve plant quality.
Modern growers are becoming increasingly aware of the value of CO2. Particularly now that most greenhouses are purposely shutting out CO2 to conserve energy.
The Johnson CO2 Generator automatically provides the carbon dioxide to meet maximum growing potentials - and operates for only pennies a day. The Johnson Generator can easily be installed in any greenhouse. No expensive ductwork is necessary and CO2 is diffused evenly without supplemental fans.
Join with modern growers everywhere - use Johnson CO2 Generators - the low cost way to produce CO2 - the nutrient of the new millennium.Why you get more rapid and efficient growth and better plant quality with Johnson CO2.
Plants must absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) in combination with water, soil nutrients and sunlight to produce the sugars vital for growth. A shortage of any of these requirements will retard the growing process. Normally there are approximately 300 parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere; when this level is increased to over 1 ,000 ppm, results are higher production and better plant quality. The Johnson Generator provides up to 1,500 ppm per unit in an average 24' x 200' greenhouse or an equivalent 50,000 cu. ft. volume based on one air change per hour.Nighttime levels in a greenhouse range from 400 to 500 ppm due to plant respiration. Shortly after sunrise this level will drop to normal atmosphere (300 ppm) due to the plant using the early light to start photosynthesis. After 3 to 4 hours of early morning sunlight the CO2 level can drop to around l00 to 150 ppm, then growth is practically stopped. Supplemental CO2 added during this period can substantially increase your plant and flower production. By adding CO2, during winter months when greenhouse ventilators are closed and when low CO2 concentration becomes a limiting factor in growth, users are obtaining yield and bloom quality which is normally associated with spring and summer.CO2 More Important Than Ever
The Johnson CO2 Generator is more important than ever because greenhouse growers, trying to conserve energy, are shutting out CO2. Rising fuel costs have forced many growers to use doubled-layered glass, etc., to conserve energy - as a result much less CO2 is entering the greenhouse.How to use the Johnson CO2 Generator
When there is sunlight and the vents are closed, CO2 should be added continuously to your greenhouse. If the vents are opened because of heat build up the generator should continue to operate for about 2 hours and then be shut off. Approximately 1 Lb. of CO2 per hour per 1,000 sq. ft. yields 1,000 ppm's of CO2. A 4,000 sq. ft. house requires at least 4 Lbs. of CO2 per hour. If CO21evel drops off from 1,000 ppm's to 500 ppm's on a clear sunny day, you can easily adjust to a higher burning rate to make up for the more rapid absorption of CO2 by plants. Most growers use their Johnson Generator daily in winter from approximately 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


9/09/2019 2:35 am  #10

Re: Something to think about...

Did you catch that?

A CO2 generator is needed because plants will take CO2 levels down from 1000ppm to less than 300ppm (which is normal atmosphere) OVER NIGHT! There's your evidence right there that global warming is a scam.....

Even if CO2 caused atmospheric warming...(which it doesn't)....Any threat is eliminated in less than one day by plants....


9/12/2019 5:55 am  #11

Re: Something to think about...



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