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9/09/2019 6:05 pm  #1

Taylor Wilson: My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors

Taylor Wilson: My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors


9/10/2019 2:06 am  #2

Re: Taylor Wilson: My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors

Wow, that guy is the new Elon Musk, Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg without the elitist attitude. I'll bet his grades in highschool were better than mine!

I think, if his idea is viable we should replace the current nuclear reactors with that technology, just from a safety standpoint alone....even though my interest is still in the Tesla technology area of taking energy from the void...(zero point energy)....In other words, I think what Tesla was doing was concentrating naturally occurring energy that exists on the other dimension, and bringing it into the physical dimension via principals of harmonic resonance....

Now research into something like what I'm interested in could still go on, but, in the meantime, when you've got something practical, that works with current technology and is safer and more sustainable than what we currently have.....I say, go for it......I would look into retrofitting current nuke plants with what this kid is proposing...There's probably no need to start from scratch...Just use existing structures as much as possible, existing vessels and containment facilities as much as possible to implement the new type of reactors that pose less danger....I think these could also be made EMP and nuclear attack proof as well...I'm all for that stuff.

The thing I like about inventive minds like this is that, they're not looking to throw out old the idiot leftists such as AOC want to just throw out carbon based fuels without any replacement. This genius kid is not proposing any such thing. Instead, he's proposing that we take existing, proven technology and make it safer and more durable, longer lasting.....30 years instead of months for refueling, and he's talking about burning what is essentially nuclear waste to do it.....eliminating several major problems at once...

If I were king, I'd say.....Do it.......Do it right now.....If this is viable, then what the hell are we waiting for...Let's do this right now, without delay....Start the engineers designing how to retrofit current plants to use this technology.....I want the plans on my desk in a week, and we'll start construction immediately after a prototype is approved as viable....

This way......we can still look for advanced technology, but society still continues on, only in greater safety and sustainably, while we advance towards something maybe along the lines of what I'm interested in.....My idea however is pie in the sky....The stuff this kid is proposing is practical technology that exists right now.....It's a no brainer......Make it so number one...


9/10/2019 8:18 am  #3

Re: Taylor Wilson: My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors

Did you hear him say?  "I graduate in May from high school"

Yes like the idea completely and like you time to start.

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9/10/2019 8:57 am  #4

Re: Taylor Wilson: My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors

I know, the audience laughed when he said that!


9/10/2019 1:03 pm  #5

Re: Taylor Wilson: My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors

That was 6 years ago.  Where is he now?   The video is 2013. 


9/10/2019 1:53 pm  #6

Re: Taylor Wilson: My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors

Well, Obama's not going to do anything with this idea...Maybe he should get it over to the Trump administration.


9/10/2019 4:55 pm  #7

Re: Taylor Wilson: My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors

He's from here in Reno. Smart kid. I remember hearing about him a few years ago. He attended a high school called The Davidson Academy that is a high school set up at the University originally by some of the professors who wanted a more challenging academic environment for their children that the public or private schools in the area could offer. Definitely not a school for everyone. Would love to see what becomes of him as he gets older. 


9/10/2019 5:21 pm  #8

Re: Taylor Wilson: My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors

hodagg wrote:

He's from here in Reno. Smart kid. I remember hearing about him a few years ago. He attended a high school called The Davidson Academy that is a high school set up at the University originally by some of the professors who wanted a more challenging academic environment for their children that the public or private schools in the area could offer. Definitely not a school for everyone. Would love to see what becomes of him as he gets older. 

The tragic thing is that his idea is most likely perfectly viable.......but the political structure as it is, would rather not do what's in the best interest of the population....If you've noticed, that's a common political theme among politicians....Always do the opposite of common sense, and the right thing for expanding maximum human potential.


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