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9/20/2019 5:33 am  #1

Once again we have another rock form outer space

Once again we have another rock form outer space

Link has picture:  The news outlet won't let me c/p the picture

UPDATE: What is mystery object approaching from interstellar space?

A MYSTERIOUS object hurtling towards our Solar System may be an alien spacecraft.
That's the shock claim made by one space scientist, who has exclusively revealed to The Sun that our incoming visitor could be piloted by hyper-intelligent beings.
Last week, scientists in Germany announced they were tracking a distant object heading in our direction.
Dubbed "C/2019 Q4", the high-speed body appears to be on a path originating from another star system that will see it fire past Mars in October.
Despite numerous attempts to study C/2019, scientists remain clueless as to what it is. Many speculate the distant mass is a comet.
According to prominent astronomer Dr Seth Shostak, while this is the interstellar traveller's most likely identity, we can't say for sure it's not a flying saucer.


9/28/2019 4:58 am  #2

Re: Once again we have another rock form outer space

Nothing new just a rock...

Just saying hi and I see no one is here so I guess it is safe to say HI...

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