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What's going on here?
I'm able to view the board and individual threads with no problem but as soon as I try to log in, I get that annoying Gateway 504 error message.
And I see the board is quite busy and others are able to log in with no problem.
I'm having the same trouble, Gar!
The other people must have logged in earlier. Cy doesn't seem to have logged in, either.
Hopefully, it will be straightened out soon!
Last edited by Muna (3/22/2020 2:01 pm)
If Cy can't log into the main board, I sure hope he remembers to come here.
Last edited by Muna (3/22/2020 2:09 pm)
It looks like Cy has now logged into the main board without any trouble.
Hopefully, the Tapatalk problem will clear up before long.
EDIT--Instead of adding new posts, I'll just keep editing this one. I sure hope somebody thinks to come here. Ironically, Cy is currently having a discussion in the pinned thread about this very back-up board! Weird coincidence!
EDIT--I just tried going to Tapatalk's main site and it, too, is down. It might be only a matter of time before TPH goes down. Then maybe Cy and the others will come over here.
EDIT--I've got to leave the computer, but I'm going to stay logged in. So, if you see the little green dot next to my name, it doesn't mean I'm at the computer. But I'll come back later.
Last edited by Muna (3/22/2020 2:54 pm)
I read up on these Gateway 504 errors and it has nothing to do with the browser you use.
And I even tried going to the board using my phone's hotspot instead of the usual wi-fi and got the same message upon logging in.
Also, it'e extremely rare for this to happen without everyone else at a site having having the same issue.
It's a tapatalk issue according to the diagram and why it's not happening to everyone else makes no sense.
Well, it has certainly happened to me--and you!
I should have worked out some way to communicate with Cy if something like this were to happen. It's kind of like falling into a well, and you have to pray that somebody might come by and hear you yelling.
EDIT--I guess it's just a matter of time before somebody sees us here and goes back to the other board to tell them that we can't get in.
EDIT--Of course, even if Cy were to know about it, he still couldn't do anything to fix it since it's a Tapatalk problem.
Last edited by Muna (3/22/2020 4:37 pm)
If Cy happens to come here and see this post, I hope he mentions it somewhere at the tapatalk board so everyone knows why we haven't been there today.
We don't want people to start rumors that we ran away together.
hawaiigar wrote:
If Cy happens to come here and see this post, I hope he mentions it somewhere at the tapatalk board so everyone knows why we haven't been there today.
We don't want people to start rumors that we ran away together.
Ha, Gar!
BTW, I get the same error message when trying to log in to other tapatalk forums too.
I was searching to see if there's some place to report an issue but you have to be able to log in to tapatalk to do that.
You know, Gar, when I finally get into TPH, I think I'll find the "log-in cookie" in my cookies folder and copy it to another folder. Then, if this happens again, I can just copy that cookie back into the cookies folder. It's an old Indian trick, but it just might work (ha!). Of course, I will first have to find the cookies folder, since I have no idea where it is!
EDIT--Well, I've got to eat something. I'll be back later tonight, and maybe this problem will have been fixed. Bye, Gar!
Last edited by Muna (3/22/2020 4:54 pm)
I've had that Gateway error message before but it's only been a brief glitch when I went to tapatalk that was gone when I tried again right away.
Never has it lasted so many hours.
hawaiigar wrote:
I've had that Gateway error message before but it's only been a brief glitch when I went to tapatalk that was gone when I tried again right away.
Never has it lasted so many hours.
Yeah, me, too! See you later!
Oh! if you didn't see my earlier post, that sounded rude of me! I meant that I have to go eat! I'll check back with you later!
Whatever the problem is, it is also preventing me from watching any videos posted at TPH.
Gar, the thought just came to me that maybe you and I have a computer virus of some kind. If we do, maybe we got it by clicking something somebody posted at TPH. I'm going to run a virus check, and I'll let you know.
I haven't been able to watch embedded videos at the tapatalk board for a couple days before this thing happened.
I have a Chromebook which is a different operating system than Windows and it's supposed to be immune to viruses.
It doesn't even have a hard drive.
I finally got back in!
Hi Muna and Gar! I was away earlier having dinner with some people and I didn't realize there was a problem logging on to Tapatalk. If I would have known, I would have immediately come over here because that's what this place is for.....I should probably just make a regular habit of checking this place...
I haven't had problems logging on to Tapatalk from where I am but I did notice earlier in the day they seemed to be making changes with the board settings...maybe they were working on their servers....but thing seem to be back to normal now.....Can you log on yet Muna???
Yes, I'm here--but the log-in thing is working now at the regular TPH board, so I was able to get back it!
Thanks for checking here!
Sure thing Muna!
Just saying hi to let you all know I am still in this group.
Feel left out. Not one error message for me. Maybe someone already ate all the bad cookies?
close call 3333 wrote:
Just saying hi to let you all know I am still in this group.
Hello there Wayne!!!
Tapatalk glitching hard this morning....Won't let me post. I keep getting 500 server errors and 502 gateway errors or something like that.
Same here, Cy. I can't log in, either.
Sorry, I didn't see this before starting a new thread
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