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8/11/2019 2:35 am  #1

Epstein - you will not believe this!

Or maybe you will?

Epstein committed suicide on 8/10/2019


Bill Barr has 8 letters in his name


Trump is the 45th president!


Last edited by The Dowie (8/11/2019 2:36 am)


8/11/2019 3:04 am  #2

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

This is going to be the mother of all Conspiracy Theories. My take:

The guards had to have been ordered to look the other way while this guy was taken out.

Previously, Epstein had a "suicide attempt" and for the past few weeks he claimed someone tried to kill him.

An inmate will kill another inmate for a carton of cigarettes. Who offered the carton this time?

No, I have no proof and maybe Epstein felt guilty and wanted to avoid a trial. Still, there is the *little problem* that dozens of powerful men had every incentive to not have this trial take place and every incentive not to have Epstein on the stand saying stuff like "Yeah, I was bad, but these politicians, celebrities, and the powerful also did X while at my mansion, my islands, and my private jet".

And sorry, Dowie, I know you get your news from the leftist media, but Trump is not one of them. He got his rocks off (allegedly) with old, horse-faced professionals like Stormy Daniels, remember?

No, those who benefitted from the death of Epstein were all rich, white, powerful Democrat celebrities and rich, white, powerful Democrat politicians. And those people are used to having people killed for $50.

Do I have proof Epstein was taken out? Not at all. But there are people who benefit from his absence, and I guess that's where the case will run cold and we'll all move on to other things.


I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump

8/11/2019 12:42 pm  #3

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

Ogami, it surprises me that you would take the conspiracy theorist approach here.....Isn't it your belief that the official narrative is always the correct one? He must have committed suicide because CNN says so....Right?


8/11/2019 3:57 pm  #4

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

BTW.....I completely agree with you on this one, Ogami.....It's obvious that Epstein was "taken out".....probably another hit on the Clinton hit to Seth Rich and VInce Foster....

I'm just playing the devils advocate here.....How do we know when to go with the conspiracy angle and when not to?

That's the question...

My answer is that you can never trust the news no matter what they try to spin. You have to use deductive reasoning to think outside the box, if you want to ever know the truth.


8/11/2019 5:08 pm  #5

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

Cydoniaquest wrote:

Ogami, it surprises me that you would take the conspiracy theorist approach here.....Isn't it your belief that the official narrative is always the correct one? He must have committed suicide because CNN says so....Right?

My approach *is* the official approach, because President Trump and me are always on the same wavelength!

Trump retweets conspiracy theory that Bill Clinton killed Jeffrey Epstein

Ah hah hah hah! Trump is right!

Not a new conspiracy theory at all, by the way. When the Clintons are upset, bodies start to fall around them. It's common enough, Cydoniaquest, that we have endless editorial cartoons about this, long before Epstein:


I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump

8/11/2019 5:30 pm  #6

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!


8/12/2019 12:38 am  #7

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

It is all about punctuation: Suicide? Watch!


8/12/2019 2:05 am  #8

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

Cydoniaquest wrote:

BTW.....I completely agree with you on this one, Ogami.....It's obvious that Epstein was "taken out".....probably another hit on the Clinton hit to Seth Rich and VInce Foster....

None of what you say is "obvious". You are in fact making multiple accusations of murder without a single item of evidence. And you are doing so for partisan political motives. 

     Thread Starter

8/12/2019 2:09 am  #9

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

Ogami wrote:

My approach *is* the official approach, because President Trump and me are always on the same wavelength!

Trump retweets conspiracy theory that Bill Clinton killed Jeffrey Epstein

Ah hah hah hah! Trump is right!

President Known Liar saying something on twitter is your truth?

In real news, Trump with his spreading of groundless serious accusations against a political opponent, has once again shown himself to be unworthy of holding public office.

     Thread Starter

8/12/2019 2:29 am  #10

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

Official news: Two prison guards were over-worked, on over time, staff cuts to blame, whoopsie doopsie.

This reminds me of:

"Where'd this furniture come from?" "It fell offa da truck, now get outta here!"


I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump

8/12/2019 7:54 am  #11

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

I was watching some coverage of this (FoxNews and youtube media), and while it's funny to blame the Clintons, there were simply too many visitors to Epstein's island who also wanted him gone.

We're going to find out that the timing of the video cameras going down is as phony as Jussie Smollet's plea deal to get out of jail for filing a false police report.

One thing, Cydoniaquest, there is a distinction between a Conspiracy Theory and a Criminal Conspiracy. The latter is a good possibility, the former will have to wait as the facts come out.

I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump

8/12/2019 8:30 am  #12

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

The Dowie wrote:

Ogami wrote:

My approach *is* the official approach, because President Trump and me are always on the same wavelength!

Trump retweets conspiracy theory that Bill Clinton killed Jeffrey Epstein

Ah hah hah hah! Trump is right!

President Known Liar saying something on twitter is your truth?

In real news, Trump with his spreading of groundless serious accusations against a political opponent, has once again shown himself to be unworthy of holding public office.

We should have elected Hillary


8/13/2019 2:29 am  #13

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

     Thread Starter

8/13/2019 3:47 am  #14

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

Doesn't it bother you that everything you believe in is a lie, Dowie?


8/13/2019 5:29 am  #15

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

The Dowie wrote:

Probably the saddest indicator of how desperate Dems are is that they tune out the past 15 years of Epstein's parties with Democrat donors, Democrat officials, Democrat presidents, Hollywood elitists, but dwell on how Trump hasn't had any contact with Epstein for those past 15 years. They have to mentally look "around" the 15 years of Democrats partying on Epstein's jet and island, including President Bill Clinton, and skip back to when Donald Trump knew him 15 years ago but had no contact with him in the past 15 years. "His friend just died". Democrat desperation, as usual.

If a Democrat/leftist were to go back over the past four years, to every "this event will get Trump" gotcha moment, go through them all and count them up. None of the were real. Trump's still here, still in charge, still president, still commander in chief, still setting our national agenda on every level.

At what point do leftists say "We've been lied to by our side all these years. Trump has been none of the things they've been screaming at us since 2015. This has all been a sleazy gambit to turn out the Democrat voter base on election day".

At what point does that realization take place? Go watch CNN, read the New York Times, watch whatever they're obsessing over on any given day. Zero reality with endless Democrat punditry. All to agitate, to work up their base, turn out the vote. The American people are happy with the job Trump is doing, and will cheerfully re-elect him in 2020, and turn out the Democrat House for good. Nothing you watch or listen to or read from the Democrat/leftist media is going to tell you that, because their job is to lie to you, Dowie.

At long last, when are you going to be sick of being lied to, by your own leftist news media? They're lying to you, not me, not Trump!

I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' - Donald Trump

8/14/2019 8:01 pm  #16

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!


Last edited by LegalAmerican (8/14/2019 8:06 pm)


8/14/2019 8:12 pm  #17

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

36K   1,700

  • 11:15 AM - 1 day ago#24
    UPDATED: 5:36 PM 8 JUL 2019

    Trump “Was Not Involved,” Provided “Very Helpful Information” Against Jeffery Epstein
    Despite the media’s best efforts to tie President Trump into the freakish activity of the liberal elite with Jeffery Epstein, the truth is that Trump helped the victims way back in 2009!
     by Georgette

    Yet another reason why leftists and elitists hate Trump so much... he's not a perverted fiend. 


    Although the mainstream propaganda machine would live for people to implicate President Trump in the vile and perverted underage sex-ring operated by Jeffery Epstein for decades (and that was enjoyed by the liberal elite freaks)… the fact of the matter is that Donald Trump provided “very helpful” information for the victims in the 2009 case.

    Yes, President Trump did know the monster, because Epstein was a neighbor and apparently had a habit of hanging out at Mar-A-Lago.
    But, there is a very key fact that the media doesn’t want you to know. Weasel Zippers reported:

    According to Page Six, in 2007, Trump banned Epstein from the resort after he tried to force his perversions on an 18-year-old employee.
    Meanwhile, the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach last night confirmed a Web site report that Epstein has been banned there. “He would use the spa to try to procure girls.
    But one of them, a masseuse about 18 years old, he tried to get her to do things,” a source told us. “Her father found out about it and went absolutely ape-[bleep]. Epstein’s not allowed back.”

    And when the lawyer for some of the victims, Brad Edwards was subpoenaing people and trying to get information, he said Trump was one of the only people who voluntarily talked to him in 2009, provided information and helped him in the case against Epstein.
    You can see the lawyer here, starting around 5:44, talking about how Trump helped him and the victims.

    “He is the only person who picked up the phone and said, ‘Let’s just talk, I’ll give you as much time as you want, I’ll tell you what you need to know and was very helpful in the information that he gave and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever. But had good information, that checked out and that helped us.”

    According to Radar Online, Edwards said it was obvious Trump wasn’t involved.

    “During the conversation, Mr. Trump was open and forthright,” Edwards said. “I cannot discuss the substance of the conversation. But I will say that it was obvious to me that he was in no way involved in any untoward activity.”

    Meanwhile, logs show that Bill Clinton rode on the ‘Lolita Express’ at least 26 times. 
    Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” — even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records obtained by

    Clinton’s presence aboard Jeffrey Epstein’s Boeing 727 on 11 occasions has been reported, but flight logs show the number is more than double that, and trips between 2001 and 2003 included extended junkets around the world with Epstein and fellow passengers identified on manifests by their initials or first names, including “Tatiana.”
    The tricked-out jet earned its Nabakov-inspired nickname because it was reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls.

    And Virginia Roberts, who is one of Epstein’s alleged victims, said she saw Clinton at Epstein’s estate on Little St. James, in the U.S. Virgin Islands, the place some have referred to as “Orgy Island.” According to Fox, the logs do not show anything about Clinton going to the island.

    • Citizenship Question Poll Shows Majority Want It On Census


8/14/2019 8:18 pm  #18

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

DEMON-RATS & MEDIA ARE TRYING, EVERY WHICH WAY connect president TRUMP, but fail.  The guy we KNOW went on Lolita Express. 26 times by logs & more,  NOT ONE WORD BY MEDIA!  FUNNY.   How is

that possible?  Bill Clinton would ditch SS many times to go on these excursions.  Hillary too. WHILE PRESIDENT!  One would think, that would be the news.  OR DANNY WILLIAMS.  SON OF BILLS BY BLACK PROSTITUTE.   That Chelsea is not bio daughter of Bill!  OR MANCHELLE.

Last edited by LegalAmerican (8/14/2019 8:19 pm)


8/14/2019 8:23 pm  #19

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!



Last edited by LegalAmerican (8/14/2019 8:30 pm)


8/14/2019 8:41 pm  #20

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

Ogami wrote:

The Dowie wrote:

Probably the saddest indicator of how desperate Dems are is that they tune out the past 15 years of Epstein's parties with Democrat donors, Democrat officials, Democrat presidents, Hollywood elitists, but dwell on how Trump hasn't had any contact with Epstein for those past 15 years. They have to mentally look "around" the 15 years of Democrats partying on Epstein's jet and island, including President Bill Clinton, and skip back to when Donald Trump knew him 15 years ago but had no contact with him in the past 15 years. "His friend just died". Democrat desperation, as usual.

If a Democrat/leftist were to go back over the past four years, to every "this event will get Trump" gotcha moment, go through them all and count them up. None of the were real. Trump's still here, still in charge, still president, still commander in chief, still setting our national agenda on every level.

At what point do leftists say "We've been lied to by our side all these years. Trump has been none of the things they've been screaming at us since 2015. This has all been a sleazy gambit to turn out the Democrat voter base on election day".

At what point does that realization take place? Go watch CNN, read the New York Times, watch whatever they're obsessing over on any given day. Zero reality with endless Democrat punditry. All to agitate, to work up their base, turn out the vote. The American people are happy with the job Trump is doing, and will cheerfully re-elect him in 2020, and turn out the Democrat House for good. Nothing you watch or listen to or read from the Democrat/leftist media is going to tell you that, because their job is to lie to you, Dowie.

At long last, when are you going to be sick of being lied to, by your own leftist news media? They're lying to you, not me, not Trump!

Bill Clinton is on the flight logs of Epstein's private jet some 27 or 28 times, flying out to Pedo Island resort aboard Lolita express. Hillary as well. Trump, on the other hand is on record kicking Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago....not having anything to do with Epstein...


8/14/2019 8:48 pm  #21

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

   Died of SUICIDE on 24/7 SUICIDE WATCH ? Yeah right! How does that happen#JefferyEpstein had information on Bill Clinton & now he’s dead

I see #TrumpBodyCount trending but we know who did this!

RT if you’re not Surprised#EpsteinSuicide #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonCrimeFamily  155K11:26 AM - Aug 10, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy
 107K people are talking about this


8/23/2019 3:05 pm  #22

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

Anyone who buys the official story alleging Epstein suicided himself obviously knows zero about federal prison facilities. There hasn’t been a successful suicide at the NYC MCC in 40 years. More interesting info @ link below:

I doubt Jeff is dead. Btw since the late 1990s many of us New Mexico residents had heard sinister rumors concerning spooky goings on at Epstein’s huge Zorro ranch. New Mexico is chock full of ‘secret’ government facilities including DUMBS even in the mountains. If you know what to look for, you can see evidence in satellite photos that the residences of Epstein’s estate are sited on top of underground construction, just like his Caribbean island home.
Mucho photos and history @ link:

Interesting how the Epstein residence and guest cottages on Orgy Island weren’t remotely luxurious in the style his rich ‘friends’ are accustomed to. The interior decor were more like Days Inn motel rooms and lounges than Ritz Carleton suites.

Last edited by Doc.Levy (8/23/2019 3:12 pm)


8/23/2019 3:22 pm  #23

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

Epstein’s activities were suspected in limited circles in the 1990s. But internet researchers started hunting in 2008 iirc. By 2015 a few web sleuths were publishing the dark & dirty stuff the general public is only now hearing.


8/23/2019 4:04 pm  #24

Re: Epstein - you will not believe this!

And now we've apparently got Attorney General Barr, going along with the the perps a past.....I told people on the other board, this guy probably couldn't be trusted either....


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